HVAC Preventative Maintenance

The Cheapest Way to Fix HVAC Problems is to Avoid Them

We’re always here if you need a service call, but regular preventative maintenance can help you avoid the discomfort and cost of losing cold air in the summer or warm air in the winter due to a malfunction.

Preventative maintenance is crucial for HVAC units to ensure their optimal performance, longevity, and energy efficiency. Regular maintenance checks can help identify potential issues early, preventing costly breakdowns and extending the lifespan of the unit. Well-maintained HVAC units also operate more efficiently, leading to substantial energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint. Furthermore, routine maintenance ensures a comfortable and healthy indoor environment by improving air quality and maintaining consistent temperature levels. In essence, preventative maintenance is a wise investment that protects your HVAC system, saves money, and provides peace of mind.

Keep Your Home Comfortable and Your Wallet Protected

That’s why we highly recommend annual service for most commercial and residential HVAC systems. You’ve heard the expression, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? That old adage holds true when it comes to HVAC systems. Like any machine, particularly those exposed to the elements, components can break down over time, coils can get gunky, coolant can run low, and other issues can arise that affect your unit’s performance and longevity.

Many of these maintenance issues when addressed non-urgently—that is to say before you wake up in a pool of sweat because the AC is out—can prevent your system from running inefficiently, freezing up, or going offline completely.

Get With the Program

Save yourself the trouble, discomfort, and expense of broken air conditioning units by getting on schedule for an annual preventative maintenance check of your HVAC system. We haven’t found anyone else doing it better or at such a geat competitive price. Some of the services in our preventative maintenance plan include:

  • Run thermostat diagnostic.
  • Clean condensing unit.
  • Clean indoor evaporator coil.
  • Inspect for refrigerant leaks.
  • Tighten electrical connections
  • Wash air intakes.
  • Flush condensate drain line.

Ready to Schedule An Appointment?

Give us a ring at 843-814-8664 or use the Contact button below to request a service call, schedule annual maintenance, or get your free consult on new HVAC system installations.

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